Chuyển đến nội dung chính





1. Medical emergencies
- Bleeding
- Breathing difficulty 
- Someone collapses: ai đó ngất sỉu
- Fit and/or epileptic seizure : phù và/ hoặc co giật động kinh
- Severe pain: cơn đau dữ dội
- Heart attack: cơn đau tim
- Stroke (n) : đột quỵ
2. Natural emergencies
  • Blizzards /ˈblɪz.ɚd/ : bão tuyết
  • Chemical spills 
  • Dam failure: vỡ đập
  • Droughts /draʊt/ : hạn hán
  • Earthquake: 
  • Extreme heat waves: Sóng nhiệt
  • Fire: 
  • Floods: 
  • Hurricanes: /ˈhɝː.ɪ.keɪn/: bão lốc xoáy
  • Lost child or Alzheimer family member
  • Pandemics 
  • Rabies in the area: bệnh dại (dịch cúm)
  • Terrorist attacks: biểu tình
  • Thunder storms: bão sấm
  • Tornadoes: /tɔːrˈneɪ.doʊ/: lốc xoáy
1. Urgent (adj) /ˈɜːrdʒənt/ 
2. Ambulance (n) /ˈæmbjələns/ 
3. Escape (v) /ɪˈskeɪp/ 
4. Lifeguard (n) /ˈlaɪfɡɑːrd/ 
5. Victim (n) /ˈvɪktɪm/ 
6. Extinguish (v) /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/
7. Shelter in place: to stay indoors during an emergency in order to protect yourself and others
8. Be on the watch: be carefully looking out for something, especially a possible danger
9. Structure: S + caution (+ sb) + against + N/V-ing
EX: I would caution against standing next to a wall when an earthquake strikes.
10. Extinguish (v): dập tắt (fire)

1. Have you ever been in an emergency situation?
2. What should you do when an earthquake occurs?
3. What would you do if someone was drowning?
4. “DOs and DON’Ts in emergency situations”

5. What was the most recent emergency situation or accident you found yourself in?
6. What should we do when a house fire starts?
7. Role–play 
A: Imagine you find an injured person on the street. Call emergency services number and explain the situation to the operator. 
B: You’re the operator. Tell A what he/she should do.


1. Routine (n) /ruːˈtiːn/
2. Pantry (n) /ˈpæntri/ 
3. Leftover (adj) /ˈleftoʊvər/ 
4. Stock (v) /stɑːk/ 
5. Takeaway (n) /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ 
6. Flavor (n) /ˈfleɪvər/
7. simplify my meal: make your meal simplier
8. be fed up with: be bored with
9. consume something KO CÓ "IN"
10. Cut back (on something): to reduce something
11. Squirrel away: to hide or store something so that it can be used later

1. What benefits does eating at home bring to you?
2. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
3. “Some ways to find the time and energy to cook after a long busy day”


1. keep st/ so awake/up: giữ không cho ngủ (keep me from sleeping)
There are a lot of/ numerous things on my mind that kept me up/ kept me awake
2. toss and turn all night in the bed: trằn trọc suốt đêm trên giường
3. hair fall/ shed a bunch: tóc rụng nhiều
4. have run out of energy: cạn kiệt năng lượng
5.  sleep like a log: ngủ như chết
6. Downtime (n) /ˈdaʊntaɪm/ = freetime
7. Take in sth: to completely understand the meaning or importance of something
8. Rob sb of sth:to take away an important quality, ability etc. from someone (not necessarily by theft)
9. Structure: When-clause, S + to be more/less likely + to V
- When you get enough sleep, you are less likely to develop depression. 
- When you’re well rested, your brain is more likely to store memories properly.
10. vital /ˈvaɪtl/ (adj): necessary or essential in order for something to succeed or exist
11. downtime (n): the time when somebody stops working and is able to relax
12. mental /ˈmentl/  (adj): connected with the state of health of the mind or with the treatment of illnesses of the mind
13. function /ˈfʌŋkʃn/ (n): the natural purpose (of something) or the duty (of a person)
14. enhance  /ɪnˈhæns/  (v): to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of somebody/something
15. well-being /ˈwel biːɪŋ/  (n): the state of feeling healthy and happy
16. feel groggy  /ˈɡrɑː.ɡi//drowsy: cảm thấy lờ đờ
17. I have a bad habit of using electronic devices like smartphone or laptop before going to sleep
18. deep sleep: giấc ngủ sâu
19. break the bad habit of: bỏ thói quen xấu
20. impair/ compromise/ weaken/ damage: làm yếu đi/ hủy hoại
21. resistance (n): sức đề kháng
Ex: to build up resistance to infection: tạo sức đề kháng chống lại bệnh truyền nhiễm
22: prescribe some medicine for someone: kê toa thuốc cho ai
23. counter-productive (adj) phản tác dụng
24. dizzy (adj) choáng váng
25. recharge so's body: nạp năng lượng

1. How many hours of sleep do you have on average?
2. Do you usually stay up late? If so, why?
3. How many hours of sleep does an infant need per day?
4. What will happen to children who don’t get enough sleep?
5. The benefits of getting enough sleep
6. Can you talk about the longest time you've ever gone without sleep?
7. Which is more important, the quantity of sleep or the quality of sleep? Explain your answer
8. Role-play 
A: You are not getting enough sleep and that results in some problems at work. Talk with your colleague. 
B: You are A’s colleague. Talk with him/her about the importance of sleep.

- Deep sleep:


- As fit as a fiddle: A person who is healthy, strong and physically fit.
- sugary food: 
- As you mentioned/ as you said : giống như bạn vừa mới nói
- overtraining (n): luyện tập quá sức/ overwork: làm việc quá sức
- low intensity (n): cường độ thấp
- become impatient: trở nên mất kiên nhẫn
- Protein/ fiber rich food: thức ăn giàu protein/ chất xơ
- stimulants: chất kích thích
- avoid eating out/ dining out often
- homecooked meal
- refrain (oneself) from doing sth: cố gắng không làm, hạn chế, kiêng cử
- vitamin supplements/ tablets: vitamin tổng hợp (thực phẩm chức năng)
- do exercise on the reg / regularly
on the reg = on the regular
- watch my calories: để ý tới lượng calories
- I prioritize fresh produce
- Lose fat
- gain muscle mass: tăng cơ nhiều
- strengthen joints/ maintain joint health: tăng cường/ duy trì sức khỏe xương khớp
- improve flexibility and balance: cải thiện sự dẻo dai và thăng bằng
- I realized/ noticed that I was overweight: 
- fitness goal
- to be consistent with something: duy trì theo/ kiên trì theo
Ex: when you have workout plan, it motivate you to be consistent with it
-Stretch (v) /stretʃ/ 
- Endurance (n) /ɪnˈdʊrəns/ 
- Hectic (adj) /ˈhektɪk/ 
- Accountable (adj) /əˈkaʊntəbl/ 
- Sweat (n) /swet/ 
- Wellness (n) /ˈwelnəs/
- A bag of bones: (informal) a very thin person or animal
- Easier to track/ to keep track of progress: dễ theo dõi sự tiến triển
- manage your time: quản lý thời gian
- Get better at managing your time with the workout plan
- Full of beans/life: (of a person) having a lot of energy
- When he came home from the war, he was a bag of bones. 
- He may be getting old but he's still full of beans.
- Structure: Run short of something
- Fitness tutorials: video hướng dẫn tập luyện thể chất

1. What are some of your healthy habits?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “It’s not necessary to make a workout plan”?
3. Role–play 
A: You hate working out and spend too much time watching television.
B: You’re A’s friend. Persuade him/her to work out every day with you.
4. What do you do to stay healthy?
5. Discuss “some of the best ways to create and stick to a successful workout routine”


-backbone: trụ cột
-keep thíngs off my mind: 
-drained: bị bào mòn
Ex: I felt/ was emotionally and physically drained
      This job is physically and mentally draining
-thoroughly (adv): hoàn toàn, kỹ lưỡng, triệt để
-be motivated: có động lực
-form a habit: tạo thói quen
-keep track of result/ progress: kiểm tra/ theo dõi kết quả/ sự tiến triển
-write down specificialy: viết ra chi tiết
-delegate/ assign: giao cho/ chỉ định cho
-at once: 1 lần
Ex: My boss always assigns many tasks at once
- use your time wisely: sử dụng thời gian thông minh hơn
- have too much workload
-Productive (adj) /prəˈdʌktɪv 
- Accomplish (v) /əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/ 
- Organized (adj) /ˈɔːrɡənaɪzd/ 
- Brainstorm (v) /ˈbreɪnstɔːrm/ 
- Priority (n) /praɪˈɔːrəti/ 
- Adjust (v) /əˈdʒʌst/
- Slot something in: to find time to do something between various other arrangements that have already been made
- Put sb off their stride : to take someone's attention away from what they are doing, so that they stop doing it or do it wrong
- Structure: S + modal verb + make time + for N/to V.
Ex: You should make time for relaxation even when your schedule is tight.
     - I can’t make time to go to the gym tomorrow!
- take it up with your boss: talk about it strainghtly to your boss
- feasible: có thể thực hiện được
- overwhelmed (adj): bị quá tải
- have too much on my plate: có quá nhiều thứ phải làm
- feel stressed out: cảm thấy áp lực


1. Talk about a time when you feel overwhelmed at home or at work
2. Should we plan our days thoroughly or should we just set goals for each day? Why?
3. Role–play 
 A: You always feel busy. You never seem to have enough time for both work and personal life. Talk with your friend about it. B: You are A’s friend. Tell your friend some useful tips to manage his or her time.
4. Do you use your time effectively?
5. What is a bullet journal? What can we track in our bullet journals?
6. “What should we do to make sure that every day is a productive day?”

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